Weekly CT/BT Supervision Webinars
ABLE Accounts with Bethany Shelton and Samantha Shepherd (12.09.2022)
CT/BT Activities and Ideas with Rachel Zinn (12.02.2022)
Review of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with Abigail Steffen (11.11.2022)
Review of Documentation with Madeline Beham (11.04.2022)
Community Integration with Gerard Arantowicz (10.21.2022)
What Would You Do? Group Discussion (10.07.2022)
Hearing Loss and TBI with Janet Lowrey and Katie Grom (09.16.2022)
Panel of Family Members of Persons with Brain Injury (09.09.2022)
Adjusting to a Brain Injury: Guest Speakers (09.02.2022)
BT/CT Differences with Rebekah Vandergriff (08.12.2022)
Open Discussion: What Would You Do? (08.05.2022)
Physical Wellness Among TBI Survivors with Lori Bradley and Maria Rau (07.15.2022)
Implicit Bias with Joshua Larson (07.01.2022)
Resource Viewer and Discussion (06.17.2022)
Measuring Progress with Maria Rau (06.03.2022)
Low Vision Strategies with Erin Burgert (05.20.2022)
Motivational Interviewing – Discussion (05.13.2022)
BRIEF and In Home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook with Madeline Beham (04.15.2022)
Breakout Rooms Open Discussion (04.08.2022)
Grief and Loss with Robyn Leighton (04.01.2022)
Art Therapy with the TBI Population with Bailey Bennett (03.18.2022)
Comfort Zones with Courtney Nance (03.11.2022)
Working With Non-Verbal Persons with Emily Russell, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS (03.04.2022)
Medication Management and TBI with Daniel Kennedy, OTR/L, CSRS (02.18.2022)
What is Spoon Theory? with Nicole Allensworth (02.18.2022)
LGBTQ Population and How to Work with Them with Deonte Minor (02.04.2022)
The Use of EMDR For Treating Trauma With Melody Anderson (01.21.2022)