Yes! We offer telehealth services to all of our consumers for rehabilitation for brain injuries in Kansas.
Empowering Independence
Brain injuries can drastically alter the lives of both the individuals and those close to them.
The immediate aftermath and long-term effects of these events often present significant challenges for all involved—and many need support to live on their own.
For over 30 years, Minds Matter, LLC has provided hope to individuals seeking to live independently once more. Our model of providing at-home and telehealth brain injury rehabilitation services has produced successful outcomes for consumers—and their loved ones—all throughout Kansas.

Our Approach to Adult Services
Brain injuries are highly complex and effects often vary from person to person. A number of personal and contextual factors can dictate the specific changes and challenges that individuals face—both in the immediate aftermath and in the months and years that follow.
Because of this high variance, our team of highly trained functional therapists take a personalized approach that places individuals and their loved ones at the center of the rehabilitation process. This collaborative approach allows consumers to regain control in their own lives as we help them regain or relearn the skills needed for them to live independently.

Minds Matter, LLC provides individuals with access to a network of leading physical, occupational, speech, behavioral, and cognitive therapists. By performing all therapy sessions in the individual’s home and other natural environments, we help individuals and their loved ones acclimate to the realities of their injury. This approach has led to thousands of successful outcomes while providing a more effective, less costly alternative to institutionalization.

Home Modifications
Those recovering from a brain injury will require certain modifications around their home to help with daily living. Each modification is a customized response based on the individual’s specific needs in order to help increase safety and allow for a greater sense of control. These modifications can include ramp installation, widened doorways, changes in lighting, interactive voice response, and much more. Minds Matter staff members can complete written evaluations, make recommendations, and provide education and support on how to secure funding.

A major aspect of rehabilitation for brain injuries in Kansas centers around helping individuals regain control in their lives. What that looks like will depend on the individual and their specific therapy goals. For some, this may involve achieving an educational goal or relearning the skills needed to re-enter the workforce. For others, it could include regaining their ability to cook at home or drive a car.
Minds Matter works with a number of organizations across the state of Kansas that help adults of all ages and their families find success—with a focus on using collaboration to set and reach meaningful, attainable goals.
Counties We Serve
Our staff delivers in-home and telehealth therapy to support your goals where it matters most—where you live! We can service consumers in every county in KS.
- Allen
- Anderson
- Atchison
- Barber
- Barton
- Bourbon
- Butler
- Brown
- Chase
- Chautauqua
- Cherokee
- Clay
- Cloud
- Coffey
- Comanche
- Cowley
- Crawford
- Dickinson
- Doniphan
- Douglas
- Edwards
- Elk
- Ellis
- Ellsworth
- Franklin
- Geary
- Greenwood
- Harper
- Harvey
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Jewell
- Johnson
- Kingman
- Kiowa
- Labette
- Leavenworth
- Lincoln
- Linn
- Lyon
- Marion
- Marshall
- McPherson
- Miami
- Mitchell
- Montgomery
- Morris
- Nemaha
- Neosho
- Osage
- Osborne
- Ottawa
- Pawnee
- Phillips
- Pottawatomie
- Pratt
- Reno
- Republic
- Rice
- Riley
- Rooks
- Rush
- Russell
- Saline
- Shawnee
- Sedgwick
- Smith
- Stafford
- Sumner
- Wabaunsee
- Washington
- Wilson
- Woodson
- Wyandotte

About Minds Matter
For over 30 years, Minds Matter has focused on people being in charge of their own lives as they rehabilitate from a brain injury.
We firmly believe in putting the individual at the center of each decision and interaction. Based on our experience, this method has allowed more consumers to thrive and lead fulfilling lives on their own terms.
Frequently Asked Questions
When we talk about helping individuals live independently, we aren’t talking about expecting a person to do everything by themselves. We are helping people figure out how to be independent with friends, family, caregivers, and neighbors – just like everybody else.
There’s no set timeframe for completing our brain injury rehabilitation program. In many instances, this involves learning new approaches and strategies for completing daily tasks and achieving person-centered goals.
Individuals with brain injuries may run into certain challenges and barriers throughout their rehabilitation process. The role of our functional therapists is to work with individuals and families to identify those barriers and find creative, achievable solutions. Prior to beginning therapy, individuals should consider which daily routines and tasks are most important to them, what safety issues need addressing, and whether any structural modifications are necessary.
Connect With Minds Matter
We’ve got the resources and expertise for people to begin their rehabilitation journey. Contact us today to get connected with our team of professionals.