Madeline Beham
Vice President of Services
About Madeline Beham
Madeline Beham (LMSW, CBIS) happily joined the team at Minds Matter LLC and communityworks inc. in 2016. She is a graduate of the University of Kansas where she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in social work with an emphasis on administration and advocacy practice. Before her role as Vice President of Services with Minds Matter, Madeline was the Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Coordinator, Regional Rehabilitation Director, Employment Program Manager, and Independent Living Counselor for the KS WORK program. In 2020, Madeline became a Certified Brain Injury Specialist. Prior to working with Minds Matter, Madeline interned and volunteered with domestic violence organizations supporting survivors of trauma. She was a Research Lab Assistant with the Child Memory Lab at the University of Kansas and received the Service Award from the Psychology Department in 2013. She was awarded the Volunteer Advocate of the Year in 2012 from Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) Safe Homes, Safe Streets. She is passionate about helping individuals overcome barriers and find their voice. In her spare time, Madeline loves spending time outdoors, playing with her dogs, singing, listening to music, and being with her family.
Fun Facts
I have been an aunt since I was 5 years old. The first CD I bought growing up was Al Green Greatest Hits. I hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back to learn about and work with the Havasupai Tribe. If I had a choice, I would live off tacos and crab rangoon.
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